
Backend as a Service & apps

Easy Development

BaaS+ is developing and providing a backend as a service infrastructure that unlike other available services also provides a ready-to-use integration with JavaScript frontend desktop web applications and iOS / Android mobile apps.

The infrastructure is optimized for high load and highly perfomant delivery of the content. The scaling of the application is taken out of the customer's hands as common for BaaS. No management has to be done by the customer. From the configuration of the backend service in addition to frontend integrations complete application skeletons can be generated that are directly executable but can still be adapted and expanded at the customers special requirements.

BaaS+ provides a cost effective and high quality alternative to custom development of applications. The infrastructure can also be used as a supplement to cost savings and quality improvement.

Reduce your time to market for a new project.


  • Setup up backend config (models, service endpoints)
  • Generate backend services
    (basic features)
  • Setup up client config
  • Generate client skeleton


  • Develop project specific logic
  • Create non-CRUD endpoints
  • Implement business logic
  • Extend test cases


  • Deploy backend services
  • Roll out clients
  • Start marketing


There is a plan for every type of project. The Enterprise plan also supports an On-premises backend.


Here are some examples using BaaS+ with different types of client apps.

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Please tell us about your next project and we will let you know what we can do to help you.

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